- travelFlight to CHQ AirportChania International Airport Ioannis Daskalogiannis, Ethniki Odos Aerodromiou Soudas, Chania, Greece
- travelTaxi to Thallos The Boutique Hotel
accommodationThallos The Boutique HotelThallos the Boutique Hotel, Καλλινίκου Σαρπάκη, Chania, Greece- activityExplore the Splantzia NeighbourhoodSplantzia, Chania, Greece
activityWander the Old Venetian Port of ChaniaOld Venetian Port of Chania, Agiou Markou, Chania, Greece- activityWalk to the Lighthouse of Chania (harbour views)Lighthouse of Chania, Chania, Greece
- otherCar hire
- accommodationMonastery Estate Retreat
- travelDrive to Terra Creta (1 hour 15 mins)Terra Creta, Kamisiana, Greece
activityOlive Oil Experience TourTerra Creta, Kamisiana, Greece- activitySee the Olive Tree of VouvesAncient Olive Tree, Ano Vouves, Greece
- travelFlight CHQ Airport to ATH AirportChania International Airport Ioannis Daskalogiannis, Ethniki Odos Aerodromiou Soudas, Chania, Greece
- otherCar hire
- accommodationVASIVASI, Vlachava, Athens, Greece
- accommodationThe Olive Yard
- activityDimitrios shipwreck"Dimitrios" Shipwreck, Greece
- travelDrive to Mystras (50min)
- activityMystrasMystras, Greece
- travelDrive to Ancient Corinth (1 hour 45 mins)
activityAncient CorinthAncient Corinth, Argous, Archaia Korinthos, Greece- activityCorinth Canal Old BridgeCorinth Canal Old Bridge, Loutraki-Agioi Theodoroi Municipality, Greece
- travelDrive to ATH Airport to return hire car (1 hour)Athens International Airport (ATH), Attiki Odos, Spata-Artemida, Greece
- otherCar hire
- travelMetro : ATH Airport to Monastiraki (40 mins)Monastiraki, Athens, Greece
- accommodationVASIVASI, Vlachava, Athens, Greece
- accommodationVASI
- activityExplore Kolonaki DistrictKolonaki, Athens, Greece
activityViews from Lycabettus HillLycabettus Hill, Likavittou, Athens, Greece- travelMetro : Monastiraki to ATH Airport (40 mins)Monastiraki Station, Athens, Greece
- travelFlight from ATH AirportAthens International Airport Eleftherios Venizelos (ATH), Attiki Odos, Spata-Artemida, Greece
- accommodationVASI
activityAcropolis & ParthenonAcropolis of Athens, Athens, Greece- activityAcropolis MuseumAcropolis Museum, Dionysiou Areopagitou, Athens, Greece
activityPanathenaic StadiumPanathenaic Stadium, Leoforos Vasileos Konstantinou, Athens, Greece- activityCentral Municipal Athens MarketCentral Municipal Athens Market, Athens, Greece